Wednesday- 19 May 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Today , is again S and W :D We learnt how to shoot the ball and I managed to get a few in :DDDD hehe Actually , I felt that it get really fun if u get the hang of it :) Hahas
At 5 plus , i met Sha and we went home together .... hehe Sha was not feeling well and had been feeling sick for the past few days , same goes with Erwin ... Hope they will get well soon :) Was at home for 2 hours and I went to the Mac @ Bukit Panjang Plaza to meet Jia Hui and Aileen. JIa Hui was already there and was drawing her interior design with a ruler which I had never seen before LOLS xD I too bought along my homework to do , it was on plant anatomy and morphology practical and we were required to draw the cells of the stem :D hehe , awww it was tough drawing with all the details. Anyway , I managed to completed it. Aileen was asked to draw the hard covers and soft covers.She had difficulty drawing roses and she asked Jia Hui to helped her with it . By the Way , Aileen was in the same course with me but she was in module 1.2 while I am in module 1.1 ... so we were in different class :( sadded
PS : One of my lecturerer asked whether we wanted to volunteer to take care of plants in the park :D And I did volunteer myself , and we have to spend 16 hrs every year there ... hehe :D
Ciao !!!