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Name:Kai ying
School:Graduate from Zhenghua Secondary School , Now in Ngee Ann Poly
SHINee ( KEY !!! )
Todae after school, I stayed bac wif Meng Yang , Sha and Fitri to asked them bout science... @ 2pm erwin , me, Sha, Dzul and Mae and Siti stay in class b4 goin 2 our usual place to study. We were laughing as Erwin they all tell us jokes on the leopard thingy... it was so hilarious... At 2.30 pm, Siti , Mae , Sha and me went down to began our study group...Mae and I went to buy food... Btw we saw Teo Yee there too... he was there to help out in his CCA as he is having his holidays nw .. He joined us for a while & after that went wif his friends to find Mr Tan. We continue wif our studies.. Sha and Mae had been a great help 4 both Phy and Chem... Soon after , Erwin, Aileen and Dzul join us... We did our homework (maths) and saw Miss Tan too..hehe :D Then @ bout 5 plus , we went home.... ok then , gtg byeeeeee!!!
writtern @7:21 PM
Happy 44th Birthday
writtern @4:38 PM
Went 2 eat Pasta Mania yesterday with Lydia, Jac, Sharizah, Aileen after school @ 10 plus . Chosen : 1) Pomodoro ( Me )
2) Angio olio ( Sharizah)
3) Abbriata (Jac )
4) Spicy chicken ( Lydia )Aileen did not eat anything though.After that, went home change and go out again with Erwin, Dzulfiqar, Sharizah, Xue Yao and Lettice...We went to Dzul's hse. We went to the gym for our first destination... It was tiring but fun doing exercises there. At bout 4 plus, Erwin , Sharizah and Xue Yao went swimming while Me , Dzul and Lettice went to play squash.The squash was difficult for me, but after Lettice and Dzul taught for a while it was quite fun.I was initially not good at the game as I keep misses the ball. After a while i get the hang of it- thx 2 Dzul and Lettice... :D Lettice and Dzul played veri well in the game ... It was fun watching them play. Went to watched Erwin they all at the swimming pool... can see tat they are oso having lots of fun. I took a pic of them ...haha We went for our dinner at naked fish in BP @ bout 7 plus ... Erwin and I later went to comics connection as he wanted to buy his fav- D.Gray-Man esp: 18 . Went to popular too ... At bout 8 plus, we went home...Gee, it was fun that day and I enjoy myself veri much :) That it,, Byeeez
writtern @3:45 PM
Went to school @ 10 plus todae.... take ss paper ;) Finally, combined humanities papers are over. Dun nid to memorise anymore words... Phew ~ BUt still hav to prepare for other subjects... Subjects include: 1) Physics and Chemistry 2) Science practical 3) POA
That it then!!!
Byeeeee :D
writtern @4:04 PM