Best view in IE 
Name:Kai ying
School:Graduate from Zhenghua Secondary School , Now in Ngee Ann Poly
SHINee ( KEY !!! )
Todae we hav a graduation ceremony hold by the school...At first we were shown the slideshow of the memories tat we hav when we first enter the school:)After tat our taecher talk to us one by one... on the stage.Den we watch the slideshow by Mdm Howe & Mrs Tan...(it was funny) @ the end after all the teacher had finished talking, we were given gift...(an apple,keychain and a bookmark)
writtern @6:39 PM
Todae we were suppose 2 go for geog.
However it was cancelled...In the end, me ,sharizah and jacqueline went to the mediacorp for the BAZZAR SALE!!! We bought clothes tat were worn by the artistics...That is so awesome:)
writtern @6:09 PM
Finally todae is the last day of the paper(N level not yet finished)...Now i am feelin so relaxed:)
However, still hav to prepare for another papers for nxt month(29/9/08)Haizz
writtern @5:46 PM